To call the Windows serial functions a hot mess would be a serious insult to hot messes. Well if you have Visual Basic (probably VB6) then bypass the next few attempts. Serial To Excel Software: Data collection software for serial devices, including meters, balances, scales or any RS232 instrument. I used to use Excel 2003, and had MSComm objects setup to work within my code. Lo scopo di questo articolo è dimostrare come sia possibile stabilire un canale di comunicazione attraverso la porta seriale utilizzando VBA (Visual Basic Applications - un editor di script incluso in ogni distribuzione tipica di Microsoft Excel) evitando di utilizzare controlli come MSComm o ActiveX o applicazioni di terze parti. WinWedge captures data directly to Excel, Access or any Windows application or web page. This includes modems, bar code readers, PBX or any other devices. Excel automatically starts the data logger software Is very useful if you want to watch your RS232 data in a real-time environment It allows you to process data from RS232 in Excel with the help of a VBA code.Serial port communication in excel vba download Run the installer¶ With your mbed plugged in, and no explorer drive windows open, run the installer: It will take some time (especially on Vista), and pop up a few 'unsigned driver' warnings, but after a while you should have a Serial port.